新闻 2023年7月6日

Mitie helps Royal Mail Group sign, seal and deliver significant 能源 savings

  • Mitie, in partnership with EEVS, has worked with Royal Mail Group to achieve 能源 savings of 16.仅12个月就消耗了69千兆瓦时(GWh)
  • The partnership aims to reduce the Group’s annual 能源 consumption by 15% by 2026 and is primarily focused on the identification and delivery of no cost or low-cost 能源 conservation measures
  • EEVS已经验证了节省的费用, the UK’s leading independent verifier for commercial 能源 and carbon saving schemes

Mitie has supported Royal Mail Group in delivering significant 能源 savings of over 16.69 (GWh) – equivalent to the annual usage of 1,100 UK homes – in just 12 months. This is the first year of a five-year partnership which is designed to help Royal Mail Group achieve 能源 savings of at least 15% across the top 230 能源 consuming sites in its portfolio by 2026.

到目前为止节约的能源,具体来说是12.23吉瓦时的天然气和4.46吉瓦时的电力, were achieved by focusing on the identification and delivery of no cost and low-cost 能源 efficiency measures. 这些优化集中在两个主要类别-加热, 通风, 空调(HVAC), 和照明. 例如现场能源审计, full reviews of building management systems and optimising the lighting control system in the main sorting halls – all while tracking 能源 performance on a weekly basis to direct investigations towards areas where consumption is higher than expected. The 能源 savings achieved through these small and affordable cost saving measures have also helped to deliver around £1.去年为皇家邮政集团节省了300万英镑.

Mitie brings 10 years of expertise in helping its customers on their decarbonisation journeys by employing more low-cost 能源 conservation measures (ECM). 这是 Mitie的“脱碳,交付”方法, which includes a range of solutions designed to support British businesses aiming to reduce their carbon emissions, 削减成本,确保能源供应.

确保透明度和准确性, Mitie and Royal Mail Group have worked with EEVS – a neutral third party – to independently verify the savings attributable to the scheme. The EEVS-assured figures have been used to determine and verify the results from this first year and will continue to do so until the end of the scheme.

Pradyumna Pandit, Managing Director, Energy and 脱碳, Mitie, said:

“We’re proud to support Royal Mail Group’s mission to increase 能源 efficiency across its large and complex estate. The significant savings delivered this year demonstrate the remarkable impact of the most affordable 能源 conservation measures, and confirm we are on the right track to achieve our aim of 15% 能源 reduction across Royal Mail Group’s estate.”

Greg Sage,公司事务副总监 & 皇家邮政集团环境、社会和治理表示:

“Our partnership with Mitie has demonstrated that 能源 management for our buildings can deliver financial and environmental savings by optimising the equipment already at our disposal and helping our colleagues be more 能源 aware. 该计划是我们环境策略的核心部分, 走向零的步骤, 旨在减轻我们的主要气候风险,到2040年实现净零风险. Mitie的最佳实践能源优化专业知识, 结合EEVS关键的独立验证角色, provides us with a robust commercial model that will ensure significant 能源 and financial savings across our estate.”

EEVS董事总经理Ian Jeffries表示:

“We are delighted to be helping Royal Mail and Mitie build a successful partnership using EEVS-verified figures. 以及确定方案的节能效果, our impartial ‘fact-checker’ role is key to demonstrating the results to stakeholders and to building an open and collaborative relationship between the organisations. Royal Mail and Mitie are both demonstrating excellent leadership in this space, with independent verification increasingly seen as essential to boosting confidence in – and uptake of – high-performing schemes like this one.”

